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What Countries are currently on the Green List?

It's recommended you regularly check the official government guidance on www.gov.uk if you have a trip booked.

If there is a sudden change of conditions in a country or territory, it may be moved to the amber or red lists without warning. It's recommended you regularly check the official government guidance on www.gov.uk if you have a trip booked.

You must take a COVID test on or before day 2 after you arrive back to the UK. You will only need to quarantine if you or someone you travelled with (informed by NHS Test & Trace) gets a positive test result.

Before returning to the UK; you must take A COVID test, book and pay for your day 2 after arrival test and complete a passenger locator form.

Anguilla (At Risk of Moving)

Antarctica (At Risk of Moving)

Antigua and Barbuda (At Risk of Moving)


Balearic Islands (At Risk of Moving)

Barbados (At Risk of Moving)

Bermuda (At Risk of Moving)

British Indian Ocean Territory (At Risk of Moving)

British Virgin Islands (At Risk of Moving)


Cayman Islands (At Risk of Moving)

Dominica (At Risk of Moving)

Falkland Islands

Faroe Islands


Grenada (At Risk of Moving)


Israel and Jerusalem (At Risk of Moving)

Madeira (At Risk of Moving)

Malta (At Risk of Moving)

Montserrat (At Risk of Moving)

New Zealand

Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands (At Risk of Moving)


South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands

St Helena, Ascension and Tristan de Cunha

Turks and Caicos Islands (At Risk of Moving)

If you don't yet have an international business trip booked but are planning one, be sure to give us a call. We make it a priority to have up to date information about UK travel restrictions.

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