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The One Thing You Must Never Forget When Working Away From Home

You'd be forgiven for thinking it might be the travel iron.
You'd be forgiven for thinking it might be the travel iron. One problem we always used to hear was people not having an iron in their room when traveling for work. It's something we always make sure to check for our customers these days. Maybe you're thinking it's the chargers. Be it your telephone, your tablet or your trusty laptop…they ALL need juice, especially for longer periods away. Too often you zip up the carry case before you've packed the bulky old battery. Still, most hotels have a spare if you're in a pickle. So, it's not that. Heck, maybe you think the one thing you mustn't forget is a change of underwear. It makes sense, right? That feeling when you're at the end of a business trip and you realise you packed for meetings on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…but argh! You forgot a clean pair for traveling home Thursday. It sucks. But wearing your briefs the wrong way round at least covers you for one extra day. Truth is: there are loads of little details you often can't help forget when it comes to traveling for business and working away from home… But there's ONE THING you can travel with that covers you whatever happens. Here at Rapid, we believe it's the single most important thing to travel with. So what it is? What's the one thing you must never forget when working away from home? ** If you travel with this, you'll never find yourself short It's not the iron… It's not the chargers... It's not even the spare pair of pants... The one thing you must NEVER forget when working away from home is our telephone number. Because no matter the time or day, you'll ALWAYS find one of our friendly Travel Advisors at the end of it ready to help you. Whatever scrape you find yourself in, we're on hand to help. As we always say: don't call reception, call us. Need an iron for your room? One of our Travel Advisors will have your creases gone in a flash. Need to power-up your laptop? One of our Travel Advisors will have you rocking 100% in a jiffy. Need a spare pair of pants? Er, well, yes…we'll have a fresh pair lined up quick smart. Here at Rapid our dedicated Travel Advisors will always go the extra mile to make sure you're never caught short when working away from home. It's why we believe our phone number is the one thing you must NEVER forget when working away from home. So, add 0330 090 41 42 to your contacts today or email us at info@rapidtravelgroup.com to find out how we can make sure you're completely covered on your next business trip.

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